9 oct 2018
¿Cómo fue mi primer contacto con el Yaoi?
En eso entonces estaba en 1ero. de secundaria, en el 2004, un día encontré por internet una página, de mi ciudad, donde estaban varios animes con sinopsis e imagen que se vendían en VCD, de esos discos donde grababan 3 episodios por cada uno, yo era y soy hasta la fecha, fanática de la música en japonés, por lo que dentro de las varias sinopsis que vi ese día, me llamó la atención una donde estaba una imagen...ésta imagen:
Hoy en día ya sé que Suichi Shindou es un chico, pero en eso entonces al ver esta imagen así sin fijarme mucho, pensé que Suichi era una chica.... entonces al leer la sinopsis sobre música, canto, y un escritor guapo (Eiri) pues dije: quiero esta!. y pues ahí fue la inocente de mí a comprar los VCDs.
El día que vi el primer capítulo si se me hizo algo raro que el personaje protagonista, Suichi a quien yo creía mujer, tuviera voz pues..algo masculina, pero hasta eso entonces no le tomé mucha importancia, de todos modos tenía cosa de música así que me gustó.
Admito que en algún momento comencé a ver medio raro Suichi tuviera cierta fijación en Yuki, pero pues no lo tomé en el sentido de romance entre chicos, pero fue la escena del beso en el elevador que me reveló la realidad entre esos dos...
Recuerdo que en esa escena, hasta detuve la reproducción, me quedé en shock y grité como enferma jajaja, como no me causó ningún problema y al contrario me entró la curiosidad de saber que más pasaba, repetí la escena y seguí viéndolo, así inicié mi incursión por el mundo del yaoi, Bl y todo ello...bueno, más bien el Shonen-ai en eso entonces.
Ya sobre el Yaoi como tal y las novelas homoeróticas son otra historia. Pero con Gravitation inicié este maravilloso mundo.
5 sept 2018
Ejercicio 1
Describe un objeto cercano a ti usando todos tus sentidos.
Es una tela delgada de color rosado de un lado y blanco del otro, esa parte parece estar hecha con una tela porosa, la parte rosada está marmoleada con blanco, da una sensación de suavidad y a la vez de calor, se siente como si algo peludo tocara tu piel el lado blanco, el otro lado se sienten liso; tiene un olor extraño, no podría definirlo, al gusto se siente desagradable y no sabe a nada, no emite sonido alguno.
2 ago 2018
De vuelta a casa
Dos días atrás nuestro gato desapareció, no sabemos en qué momento y que sucedió, todos en casa estábamos distraídos, el gato de 5 meses había estado saliendo al frente a la calle días atrás; nuestra intuición y exploración de los hechos nos indicaron que alguien lo había tomado, pero no teníamos evidencia alguna, incluso los vecinos no sabían nada, ese día el clima estaba extraño y hubieron posibles indicios de que algo pasaría; después de buscarlo durante todo ese día gritando su nombre y llamándolo, no nos dimos por vencidos, rezamos por el al día siguiente todos los miembros de la familia, oramos porque quien lo tuviera entrara en razón y lo dejara libre para que volviera a nosotros, puesto que antes que un gato cualquiera, es parte de nuestra familia, hoy me levantó la voz emocionada de mi madre, ¿seria posible que Draco, nuestro gato, hubiera regresado?, salí a verificar y efectivamente él regresó, se veía asustado y hambriento, comió y tomo mucha agua para al final quedar dormido en la cama que compartía con su madre adoptiva desde hace 5 meses.Hoy es un día de júbilo porque nuestro familiar ha regresado a casa.
27 jul 2018
Predestinado-Historia corta
24 jun 2018
Entry 6
These days I been meeting people trough an app, I met wonderful persons as a friends, one of them it's an amazing girl but I don't know if I can fall in love with her or not; the last Friday I met someone who attracted me, even if I got his number, I bet I'm not attractive for him, and today it was clear hahaha, he give my number to one of his friends xD, well I don't care anymore...I mean, it's not my time, I was jealousy a little bit because for others it's easy to find people who like, but it seems it will be hard for me...and then, my friends aren't used to be rejected so, when it happens, they made a drama hahaha and I'm used to so I feel it's a little bit rude to make a drama...but at the end, they are they and me are me.
I don't like this kind of feelings and thoughts...well, it will be a great day today!! :)
27 may 2018
Entry 5
Yesterday I had a dream, it was about the guy who I like, It's the second time that I dreamed with him, he knows....I guess, my feelings but maybe he thinks I'm joking since I'm older than him, either way, the last dream was very romantic as the first hahaha...honestly, I wish don't have this one-sided romance anymore, I mean...I finish the semester in two moths and he in...2 years hahaha. Well, that was my confession tonight. See ya!!
16 may 2018
Entry 4
It's been a long time since I wrote, I don't know what topic to write now...maybe what I did yesterday?
Well, yesterday I spend the whole morning Reading a webcomic in Spanish hahaha, It was about one guy who dies crashed by a car but at the same time other guy committed suicide jumping from the rooftop of his school, the first guy change his soul with the other one, so, the first body died and the second not.
.so all it's about the life of the first guy in a lifestyle of a highschool bullied student. It's BL, but even of that, I only could saw some touches and kisses. But it was great. Then I went to had my pay from work and went to eat and watch a movie called 'overboard', a good one.
Well..I went to bed at 11:00 pm I guess hahaha. I had a wonderful day. That's all~
20 abr 2018
Entry 3
Well... Today I will talk about cats...why cats? Because if I'm honest, I don't like it at all, I'm a dog person, but two weeks ago my sister brought a kitten, her family adopted a cat, so, when she got pregnant and the kittens born, she told us that she will give us one of them, the crazy one. At first I thought it was just a joke but when she arrived with the cat...I was really angry, I disliked the idea since my dogs like to chase them...so, it was needed three days to be used to, my dogs and my family. Right now I love this cat and even if I have scratches from him in all my hand, he's a good and funny cat.
The end ~
16 abr 2018
Entry 2
Hello everyone!
Today I had the hardest exam of the period, and it was...I don't know how to describe it..weird? I think I did well but who knows?!
I spend the midday with my friends Vane and Nelly, we went to our destination by bus so, we talk a lot...and one of that conversations was about our other friend who's going though a duel, her father died the last week, so, she's doing that their family needs to face it, we didn't even see her these days, we was guessing what she will do, and at the end we hope that she can do the best for her. That was one of the topics, the most important, but we talk about the boyfriends of theirs and about work and how hard it's to gain some money.
After that I accompany my friend at the park to wait her boss, that took one hour approximately. Then I went to home and when I arrived, my dogs and the cat greeted me, it was wonderful. I ate and I fall asleep, when I woke up it was late to salsa hahaha. So I got ready fast and went to class, I only spend one hour practicing the choreography for the event upcoming and I went to English library from 7pm to 9pm, I practiced my listening and speaking and it was very tiring but also fulfilling.
That was my day...this is the second entry of my practicing about writing.
Enjoy the night guys!! ;*
14 abr 2018
Entry 1
Hello guys, I will use this space to improve my English and practice.
Well...I don't know what to say, so, I will start with random topics...like umm...well two days ago I watched the movie 'love,simon' and I was hoping a great movie but it was...just...normal? I didn't feel anything, it was like to taste some food without salt or sugar depending of the meal. I already read the book and of course I preferred that one. Maybe it's that? Who knows!
Talking about others stuffs, I sent a solicitude trough face to my crush and he accept it! Hahaha but I don't know what to do know..maybe I will try to talk to him...or maybe don't care about and just living my life...but..I want to know more about him, it's like...I don't know how to describe...I feel like a girl in a shoujo manga who likes someone at first sight hahaha he's younger than me!
Anyway, this week it will be full of exams, so, I need to dedicate to them. Wish me luck! That's all..
See ya!
11 abr 2018
Hoy ocurrió algo bastante raro para mi existencia... Hay un chico que llama la atención de la Uni, lo conocí en temporada de exámenes, una vez en que me fui en combi y no sé porque me llamó la atención.
Así que hoy luego de que conseguí su número y de repente le mando mensajes en whatsapp. Así que hoy me lo topé en que caminaba para subir las escaleras e hicimos contacto visual y me saludó :3... Y yo lo saludé así toda seria jajaja o eso pensé y pues terminé roja y emocionada en mi salón jajaja que horror... En fin, una experiencia más de amores en mi existencia ~
Pues es todo...a ver como se desarrollan las cosas jajaja si lo hace obvio xD
25 feb 2018
21 ene 2018
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La OTP de Life is strange. 💓 |